November 3, 2023

Jack Smith Upset Trump Team Want to Delay Trials

Special Counsel Jack Smith may need a moment to collect himself.

It was not exactly a secret that Trump’s legal team was going to do everything it could to try to delay these trials until after the election.

If Trump is unable to do that, he will be spending his entire primary and general election campaign, if he wins the nod, in court rather than on the campaign trail.

Smith seems to be having a meltdown that Trump is now employing this strategy.

Overriding Interest

There are two reasons that Trump wants to delay these trials.

First, it would limit his campaign time, as mentioned above.

Second, and probably more importantly, if these trials are taking place during the primary, Trump’s campaign funds are going to get drained from legal bills, which means very few rallies and very few ads.

None of that is Jack Smith’s concern, however, and now his prosecuting team is having a fit, with Smith counselor Jay Bratt recently commenting on the matter.

Bratt stated, "As the Government argued to the Court yesterday, the trial date in the District of Columbia case should not be a determinative factor in the Court's decision whether to modify the dates in this matter.

"Defendant Trump’s actions in the hours following the hearing in this case illustrate the point and confirm his overriding interest in delaying both trials at any cost. This Court should [not] allow itself to be manipulated in this fashion."

This is unprecedented territory, but I really don’t think Trump is going to get much understanding from these judges, especially Judge Chutkan, who is the presiding judge in the January 6 case.

I believe she purposely set this court date to ensure that Trump would not be on the campaign trail, and I don’t see her reversing course.

Dig in, folks, because this is going to be a very ugly battle.

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