February 10, 2024

Jack Smith Furious That Trump Allowed To Reveal Details In Mar-a-Lago Case

Special counsel Jack Smith just got CRUSHED in court.

A federal judge has allowed former President Donald Trump to reveal the identity of the witnesses in his classified documents case.

Sorry, Jack.

Smith has now filed a 22-page request asking the judge to reverse that decision.

One of the main arguments made in that filing was that revealing the names of witnesses could be dangerous and affect their safety.

“That discovery material, if publicly docketed in unredacted form as the Court has ordered, would disclose the identities of numerous potential witnesses, along with the substance of the statements they made to the FBI or the grand jury, exposing them to significant and immediate risks of threats, intimidation, and harassment,” wrote federal prosecutors in the recent filing.

They didn’t stop there.

Smith's team went on to argue that threats, intimidation, and harassment is already something that has “happened to witnesses, law enforcement agents, judicial officers, and Department of Justice employees whose identities have been disclosed in cases in which defendant Trump is involved.”

Are they joking?

So, it was just okay when Smith wanted X, the platform formerly known as Twitter, to hand over the names of every American who interacted with Trump’s account?

Smith clearly thinks he is above the law.

It was no issue for Smith when HE wanted disclosures on a much larger scale, and it was REPUBLICAN names that would be revealed.

The filing went on to say that “because the Court applied the wrong legal standard -- which, as explained below, the Government did not discuss in its prior filing -- reconsideration is warranted to ‘correct clear error.’”

The sooner Smith wakes up and realizes the irony in this situation the better.

To read more details about this story, click on the source here.

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