May 27, 2024

Jack Smith Files for Gag Order Against Trump

I hate to say it… but we just knew this was going to happen.

The moment Trump posted on Truth Social and sent out a fundraising email regarding the FBI being authorized to use “deadly force” during the Mar-a-Lago raid, you just knew Special Counsel Jack Smith was going to go for the gag order.

And he did just that on Friday.

Shut Him Up

After the report came out, Trump portrayed the news as the FBI and Biden more or less attempting to take him out, at least that is the narrative that was pushed by Dems and the media.

When Trump sent out a fundraising email saying that Biden was “locked & loaded,” Smith started typing up the motion.

In part, the filing states, “The law enforcement agents participating in this case conducted the search in an appropriate and professional manner, subject to the Department of Justice’s standard use-of-force policy. Trump’s repeated mischaracterization of these facts in widely distributed messages as an attempt to kill him, his family, and Secret Service agents has endangered law enforcement officers involved in the investigation and prosecution of this case and threatened the integrity of these proceedings.”

The filing continued, “Those statements create a grossly misleading impression about the intentions and conduct of federal law enforcement agents—falsely suggesting that they were complicit in a plot to assassinate him—and expose those agents, some of whom will be witnesses at trial, to the risk of threats, violence, and harassment.”

Trump was not even at Mar-a-Lago when the raid was conducted, and this was on purpose to ensure there were no issues between the Secret Service assigned to Trump and the FBI.

Point being, Trump is clearly exaggerating how much danger he was in here.

Having said that, even I questioned the wording of the order as well as the raid, as it just seemed like it was done for Merrick Garland to grab a cheap headline.

Smith is not trying to block Trump from talking about the case, just using inflammatory language, arguing, “A restriction prohibiting future similar statements does not restrict legitimate speech. Trump’s conditions of release should therefore be modified to prohibit similar communications going forward.”

I honestly don’t think Cannon will have a choice here, as she is already under a microscope regarding “helping” Trump during this case.

Trump campaign spokesman Steven Cheung responded to the gag order request, stating, “Crooked Joe Biden and his hacks and thugs are obsessed with trying to deprive President Trump and all American voters of their First Amendment rights.

“Repeated attempts to silence President Trump during the presidential campaign are blatant attempts to interfere in the election. They are last-ditch efforts of desperate Democrat radicals running a losing campaign for a failed president.”

And round and round we go…

Honestly, though, I doubt it will matter because I don’t expect to ever see this case inside a courtroom.

With so many motions still undecided, there is just no way Cannon will be able to schedule this case where it would conclude before the election.

And if these cases are not started before the election, win or lose, the appetite to see them through will die down after the fact.

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