October 9, 2023

It’s Been Confirmed: Numerous Americans Killed in Israel

After the attack against Israel, it had been reported that Americans were likely among the dead, missing, and kidnapped.

We now know that Americans were killed during the attack.

I have seen reports ranging from four to nine, but it is a safe bet that number will be significantly higher when the final body count is given.

Confirmed Deaths

Secretary of State Antony Blinken was doing the media circuit on Sunday morning trying to do damage control for Joe Biden, who was so upset over the attack, that he hosted a BBQ at the White House for staffers.

Blinken was asked if Americans were among the dead, missing, or kidnapped, and he responded, “Yes. We have reports that several Americans were killed. We’re working overtime to verify that. At the same time, there are reports of missing Americans, and, there again, we’re working to verify those reports.”

The truly baffling aspect of all this is how the United States and Israel’s intelligence agencies missed any chatter of a possible attack.

In fact, it was only about two weeks ago that National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan stated, “The Middle East region is quieter today than it has been in two decades.”

Biden has also been taking heat because the $6 billion that was being held by South Korea was released as part of the recent hostage exchange. Both sides received five prisoners, but Iran got Biden to free up that money.

The administration stated that the condition of the money being freed was that it would be used for humanitarian aid, but we all know that will not be the case.

Eventually, that money will find its way into terrorist hands and anyone who thinks or says otherwise is either a liar or a fool.

American lives were lost… and they were lost because Joe Biden is weak. It’s that simple.

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