January 9, 2024

Impeachment Articles Filed Against Sec. of Defense Lloyd Austin

For the last few days, Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin has been in the news for all the wrong reasons.

Austin reportedly went off the grid for four days after being admitted to the hospital.

The White House was not made aware, with Biden only finding out on January 5, and the news was released to the public on January 5.

Time to Go

Ironically, it is not Austin’s hospitalization that is the subject of the impeachment papers by Rep. Matt Rosendale (R-MT).

Rosendale wants Austin impeached for his role in the Afghanistan withdrawal as well as the coverup regarding the Chinese spy balloon.

Rosendale stated, "Sec. Austin knowingly put the American people in danger and compromised our national security when he allowed a spy balloon from a foreign adversary to fly over Malmstrom Air Force Base – home to ICBMs – and allowed the Chinese Communist Party to gather intel on American citizens.

"This dishonesty seems to be a repeated pattern for the Secretary as he once again lied to our military and the American people about his health last week."

He later added, "Sec. Austin is unfit for the Office of the Secretary of Defense, which is why I urge my colleagues to join me in impeaching him to protect the American people.”

While it is unclear how much support Rosendale will have for impeachment, there is significant support among Republicans for Austin to resign, but the White House has been resistant.

Joe Biden has already released a statement expressing his support for Austin, apparently okay with the fact that while the United States is neck-deep in two different conflicts, Austin scheduled surgery in December, then was hospitalized in January, and never bothered to communicate that with the White House.

Since the incident was reported, the White House tried to cover up the lack of communication by saying that Austin’s Chief of Staff had the flu, which is why the White House was not informed.

So, let me ask you guys this… if you missed work for a week, then called up your boss and said, sorry, my wife did not call in for me because she had the flu, what are the chances you would have your job?

Yet, this is the Secretary of Defense for the United States and Biden is perfectly okay with him being off-grid for a full week.

Let me ask one more question… how in the world did Biden and Austin go any more than a day or two without speaking? These two should be in constant communication regarding Israel and Ukraine, not to mention the counterstrikes the United States has conducted against Iranian-backed militia.

Seriously… who is running the show right now?

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