March 13, 2024

Hur Jousts with Democrats Over Biden Exoneration

Capitol Hill was spicy on Tuesday, with Special Counsel Robert Hur testifying before committee to explain his report on Biden’s handling of classified information.

Hur was under attack by both sides, with Dems attacking him for his comments against Biden and Republicans attacking him for not having prosecuted Biden based on his age and memory issues.

One of the more enjoyable interactions, however, was when Hur corrected Democrats who claimed his report exonerated Biden.

Heated Exchanges

Democrats continue to harp on the fact that Hur did not file charges, neglecting to look at the main reason why, which was that he found Biden, more or less, mentally unfit for trial.

One of the best exchanges he had was with Rep. Jayapal (D-WA), who tried to say that the report “exonerated” Joe Biden.

The report did anything BUT exonerate Biden, as Hur was happy to clarify.

Jayapal stated that the investigation had “resulted in a complete exoneration of President Joe Biden.”

Hur quickly jumped in, responding, “I need to go back and make sure that I take note of a word that you used, exoneration.

“That is not a word that appears in the report. That’s not part of my task as a prosecutor.”

Jayapal then jumped in again, stating, “You exonerated him.”

Hur again did not back down, correcting her, “We did not exonerate him. That word does not appear in the report.”

His exchange with Schiff was also fairly epic, with Schiff literally telling Hur that he should have cleaned up the language since he was not prosecuting Biden.

The fact is, Hur used the language he did to justify not charging Biden, not to politically attack Biden, which is how Democrats were presenting it.

Overall, I have to give Hur a big thumbs up for how he handled himself, as there was no respite, especially when Rep. Gaetz (R-FL) had his time, hammering Hur for not proceeding with charges when charges were filed against Trump for a similar “crime.”

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