May 23, 2024

Hunter Tried to Blame Missing Gun on ‘Shady’ ‘Prolly Illegal’ Mexicans

Well, well, well… it looks like the racist gene in the Biden family does not fall far from the tree.

A 2018 police report from when Hunter Biden’s handgun went missing has just been publicly seen for the first time.

In that report, Hunter blames Mexican workers at the supermarket where the handgun was found in a dumpster.

Shady Illegals

In 2018, police were investigating Hunter’s missing handgun, which we now know was taken by Hallie Biden, Beau Biden’s widow turned Hunter Biden’s lover, into a trash dumpster behind Janssens Supermarket in Delaware.

The search for the gun is what led to police learning that Hunter Biden had lied on his application to purchase the weapon.

While talking to police investigating the missing handgun, Hunter tried to blame it on “shady” and “prolly illegal” workers at the supermarket.

When the story first broke in 2021 on Politico, the details of the police report were conveniently left out, no doubt to protect the Bidens from racist accusations.

Not only did Hunter try to blame the entire episode on the supermarket staffers, but he also had no problem invoking his father’s name.

After all, he made all his millions off his dad, so why not use Joe’s name one more time to get him out of trouble, as has happened in the past?

After fingering the workers at the supermarket, Hunter then told the officer that Hallie tossed the gun because she thought he was suicidal.

The report reads that Hunter told the officer, “He has been living in a nightmare' and told Clemons 'to put myself in his shoes, and try to feel what it would be like to fall in love with [redacted, his brother's widow Hallie] and then have everyone look at him.”

The market where Hallie dropped the gun also happened to be across the street from a high school, so a kid could have easily found this gun.

The Daily Mail has also reported, “that a senior law enforcement officer who worked with the FBI was creating a back channel to the official investigation and recommending ways the Bidens could avoid getting in trouble with the police.”

John Penrod, a detective, is noted in the report as well as in a text to Hallie from Hunter that read, “And Hallie John Penrod: 'Hallie have David call if something like this ever happens again (implying – next time Hunter f**ks Up).'”

David is David Walsh, the son of longtime Biden friend David Walsh Sr. It was rumored that Hunter was paranoid that Hallie was cheating on him with Walsh Jr.

As I have stated in previous reports, Hunter’s behavior had been enabled for years by the Bidens, particularly his father; otherwise, he would have a jacket a mile long instead of being considered a first-time offender.

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