March 1, 2024

Hunter Takes the Stand in Closed Door Hearing with Congress

Thursday was a big day for Republicans, as they were finally able to get Hunter Biden in the hot seat.

If you recall, Hunter initially refused to testify and demanded an open-door hearing.

However, when it became clear that Republicans were going to refer him to the DOJ for obstruction of Congress, he decided to come and have a chat with the committee.


Depending upon which outlet you were reading, Hunter Biden was either defiant or gave up his father.

For instance, in the report on The Hill, it quoted Rep. Dan Goldman (D-N.Y.), stating, “One of his most powerful lines was when he made it very clear that none of the business dealings that he ever had were with any government entity. And he pointed out: unlike Jared Kushner, who received $2 billion from the Saudi Arabian government as soon as he left office, when he was the point person on Middle Eastern policy.”

Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH) tried to defend Kushner, saying that there was no way he did anything wrong, but I don’t buy that for a second.

However, because Jordan is in Trump’s camp, he will never admit that Kushner getting an investment from Saudi Arabia to the tune of $2 billion for keeping the Crown Prince out of the fray over the murder of a journalist was a bit shady.

The media has now latched onto this and you better believe that if Trump wins this election and Dems can take back the House, there will be a repeat investigation by Democrats into this matter.

This all could have been avoided if DeSantis had been the nominee, but I digress.

On the flip side of the reports was the New York Post, which actually dug into the transcript of Hunter Biden’s testimony to find a tasty little morsel.

In that report, it noted that Hunter Biden admitted that Joe Biden was, in fact, “the big guy” that was referred to in phone calls.

However, Hunter tried to brush it off by saying that all those damaging texts and emails were just him having a “pie-in-the-sky idea” to get money by using his father’s name.

Hunter also tried to get some empathy by saying that the entire investigation was just being used as a political weapon against his father.

The mainstream media, of course, is taking everything that Hunter Biden (as well as James Biden last week) at face value as the truth.

But let me say this… if that had been Donald Trump Jr. testifying and Donald Trump was the sitting president, we all know how the media would be reacting to the tales told by Hunter and James over the last two weeks.

Just to add some fuel to this fire, we should also note that Hunter even admitted that his father was at a dinner where Hunter business associates were at, saying, “I believe that he probably had a Coca-Cola and a bowl of spaghetti.”

They want us to believe that no business was discussed, but we all know that is not true.

Yet, after the hearing, Rep. Jamie Raskin (D-MD) held a presser and continued to push the narrative that Joe never met or interacted with any of Hunter Biden’s business partners.

You see, that is because Democrats know they can say whatever they want and networks like CNN do not have a live fact checker looking into these statements like they have for Trump every time he gives a speech.

This is quite possibly one of the worst efforts for a coverup that I have ever seen, yet it is working for Dems because the media is enabling it.

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