January 31, 2024

Hunter Business Partner Says Biden Family Not Paid Until Joe Left Office

The recent testimony of Rob Walker before Congress has reaffirmed statements made by Rep. James Comer (R-KY) regarding possible influence peddling by Joe and Hunter Biden.

According to recent reports, Walker told the committee that no money was paid to the Biden family by Chinese business interests until after Joe Biden left office.

The payments are in regard to money received into a Hunter Biden business account by CEFC, a Chinese company that has been linked to the CCP.

Doesn’t Make a Difference

Walker seemed to think that the delay in payment made everything okay for Joe Biden.

Since the money did not start to flow until after January 2017, when Biden left after having served as Barack Obama’s vice president, he says that there is nothing to see here.

Rep. Comer disagreed, stating, “Today’s interview confirmed Hunter Biden and his associates’ work with the Chinese government-linked energy company began over a year before Joe Biden left the vice presidency, but the Bidens and their associates held off being paid by the Chinese while Joe Biden was in office.”

I need to stress here that regardless of how bad all this looks for Biden, I am fairly sure he cannot be impeached as a sitting president for something that happened after leaving office as VP, even if there were nefarious actions taking place while he was the VP.

Criminally speaking, well, that may be a different matter, as I am sure there are a host of laws that were possibly violated if Comer can ever manage to get some evidence nailed down.

The money in question started to be funneled in August 2017, after Northern International Capital, a Chinese company affiliated with CEFC, wired $5 million to a joint venture involving Hunter Biden and CEFC associate Gongwen Dong.

Later that day, $400,000 was wired into a Hunter Biden account. About a week later, Hunter wired $150,000 to an account controlled by James and Sara Biden.

Two weeks later, Sarah withdrew $50,000 in cash, depositing the money into their personal checking account, then wrote a check for $40,000 to Joe Biden a week later, marking the memo as “loan repayment.”

You would have to be a complete fool not to think that this was not payment to Joe Biden for helping Hunter in some way, shape, or form with his business interests. Having said that, Comer has to have a literal smoking gun before the media or Democrats will buy into the idea that Biden did something wrong here.

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