May 16, 2024

Hunter Biden’s ‘Sugar Brother’ is ‘Tapped Out’

Hunter Biden has been up against it lately, and he may have another big challenge coming his way.

Hunter has been relying on Kevin Morris to pay his bills, but that well is about to run dry.

According to new reports, Morris has been telling close associates that he is “tapped out.”

Lend a Brother a Hand

Biden’s legal team has been trying to have the charges against Hunter dismissed, but the judges in his respective cases are not buying the arguments by lead attorney Abbe Lowell.

Lowell is a top-notch defender, getting as much as $2,000 per hour for his services, and that is just for him.

I have seen reports that Hunter was wracked up millions in legal fees, all of which are reportedly being paid by Morris, a Hollywood entertainment lawyer.

Hunter has not even gone to trial yet, and that is when the big bills start to come in, but Hunter may have to find a new way to pay them soon.

An insider recently told the media, “The reason Kevin got involved financially in the first place was that he could see that no one was going to help Hunter.

“Now, four and a half years later, there’s still no help — and now Kevin is completely tapped out. So just when Hunter is facing two criminal trials starting in a few weeks, he has no resources. It’s pretty dire.”

CNN recently reported that over the last few years, Hunter has about $10 million in legal fees, so I can only imagine how much more will be added to the tab once Hunter’s gun charges trial starts, scheduled for June 3, and his tax case, which is scheduled for the end of June.

The only way Hunter has to earn money right now is to sell his pitiful watercolors, but that well also appears to have dried up once Republicans started to dig into the buyers.

That list appears to be more people looking to have influence with Joe Biden, so don’t expect his painting to cover these bills now.

In fact, Georges Burges, who had been working with Biden on this front, no longer represents Biden, stating, “From a business perspective, it hasn’t been the best decision for me.”

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