January 24, 2024

Hunter Biden's Attorney Claimed Privilege 17 Times During Questioning

In a recent deposition, Hollywood lawyer Kevin Morris, who represented Hunter Biden, asserted attorney-client privilege at least 17 times when questioned about payments and work for the first son.

Morris revealed that he began representing Hunter about a week after the December 2019 California fundraiser for Joe Biden.

The lawyer frequently invoked privilege to avoid discussing details like the first meeting with Hunter, payment to other attorneys, and the planning of Hunter's speech in front of the Capitol.

Morris also attempted to shield information regarding his acquisition of one of Hunter's companies after Joe Biden's inauguration.

He denied being politically motivated to assist Hunter with tax issues during Joe Biden's campaign, despite evidence from IRS whistleblowers. Morris refused to disclose the amount of loans provided to Hunter for legal fees, citing attorney-client privilege.

Despite claiming that his legal representation of Hunter was "global and complete," Morris stated that he hadn't directly represented Hunter in the past three years. Morris, likening himself to a general counsel in Hunter's "virtual corporation," argued for expansive attorney-client privilege.

Concerns have been raised about Morris' representation of Hunter while covering his bills and debts, potentially violating California Bar rules.

A complaint has been filed with the state bar by America First Legal. Morris confirmed loaning millions to Hunter between 2020 and 2024, recorded in promissory notes, to cover tax debts and living expenses.

During his testimony, Morris insisted that his assistance wasn't politically motivated, despite being a Democratic donor.

Previous reports indicated Morris' explicit concern with the political risk surrounding Hunter's tax debts, especially during the early months of 2020.

The deposition sheds light on the challenges investigators face in probing Hunter Biden's financial and legal matters, with Morris employing attorney-client privilege extensively to limit disclosures.

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