December 20, 2023

Hunter Biden Spotted at White House After Defying Congressional Subpoena

One of the bigger stories of the last week was Hunter Biden defying a congressional subpoena after holding a press conference on the Senate side of the Capitol.

That is an important note because had he been on the House side, the Sergeant-at-Arms could have taken him into custody.

It is also getting people’s attention that Hunter was spotted getting off Marine One as well as inside the White House.

Where’s Hunter

The question is… why is this a big deal, right? Well, that is what I am about to explain.

Hunter’s name has not appeared on White House visitor logs or the flight manifest of Marine One, even though he was spotted on both.

The biggest question here is if Hunter traveled on Marine One to arrive in DC for his press conference where he broke the law by defying the congressional subpoena.

Joe Biden has already hinted that he was aware of Hunter’s plan that day, so, technically, we could call him an accessory. I am still waiting for a legal expert to explain any possible implications for Joe Biden on this front.

Initially, White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre stated that she would have to check why Hunter’s name was missing, but she later took the posture that family members' names being included in these logs is not the norm.

I agree on that front, as this is generally not a big deal if they are coming from a vacation or state visit, but if they are conducting personal business, this is not permitted, and I would say holding a press conference on the steps of the Capitol is personal business.

Hunter defied the subpoena because he stated that he wanted a public hearing, but the committee had called him to appear in a closed-door hearing, which is the norm, by the way, especially for first-time testimony.

And before anyone accuses the GOP of trying to cover something up, Donald Trump Jr. testified before committees for about 40 hours in closed-door hearings when Democrats were in charge, so let’s shut that narrative down right now.

Republicans are strongly considering referring Hunter Biden for contempt of Congress charges, so it will be interesting to see how Merrick Garland handles such a request, having accepted referrals from the Democrats when Trump associates defied their subpoenas.

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