January 30, 2024

Hunter Biden Remains in ‘Good Standing’ with DC Bar

What does it possibly take to lose a bar license in this day and age?

I can tell you that if you so much as breathed air around Donald Trump over the last few years, you were in danger of having your license suspended or barred… just ask Rudy Giuliani and Jenna Ellis, just to name two.

Hunter Biden, however, who is facing numerous federal indictments and has a slew of compromising pictures and proven derelict behavior, is still in good standing with the D.C. bar.

Let Him Practice

Hunter currently has a laptop drive that is loaded with photos of him using paid escorts for sex and doing drugs.

Hunter has purchased a firearm by misrepresenting himself on the purchase documentation.

The gun was disposed of in a dumpster.

Hunter Biden has been indicted for tax fraud.

The D.C. Bar Code of Professional Conduct states, “It is professional misconduct for a lawyer to commit a criminal act that reflects adversely on the lawyer’s honesty, trustworthiness, or fitness as a lawyer in other respect.

“Many kinds of illegal conduct reflect adversely on fitness to practice law, such as offenses involving fraud and the offense of willful failure to file an income tax return.”

Unless I am a bit off my rocker, and one could possibly make a case for that, Hunter’s activities pretty much violate every aspect of that conduct policy, yet the man is not even being investigated by the D.C. bar for his conduct.

And before anyone starts spewing rhetoric about him having his day in court, the bar does not call for that as a consideration in enacting disciplinary measures.

The bar can suspend or revoke the license solely by holding its own investigation and declaring the individual in question had violated its rules of conduct.

Harvard Law Professor Alan Dershowitz agrees that at the very least, this is something that should have been looked at by the bar.

He stated, “He has admitted to conduct that would probably constitute criminal behavior, use of drugs and things of that kind, so I think the bar would have to look into it.

“There is a double standard. Bar discipline has been weaponized by the left against the right.”

That, my friends, is an understatement.

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