December 9, 2023

Hunter Biden claims Republican are 'trying to kill' him

Hunter Biden expressed his candid thoughts during a recent podcast appearance, expressing frustration towards his critics and characterizing himself as someone who has faced a host of personal challenges. 

He also suggested that there may be political motivations behind his prosecutions and probes of his conduct, things which he believes could potentially impact his father's presidency, as Fox News reported.

The statements were made on an episode of Moby Pod, published Friday, and which was recorded in Hunter's art studio in California.

During the extensive discussion that lasted over an hour, the topic shifted towards Hunter's personal journey of overcoming addiction, and his decision to candidly share his experiences with addiction in his memoir, Beautiful Things.

Recorded Comments

According to podcast co-host Lindsay Hicks, who shared very personal details about his addiction that were contained in his biography, there was "real beauty" in how "vulnerable" he had been.

She made the observation that some people would read it and realize they aren't alone in harboring secrets.

"That's the one thing — one of the reasons why I'm going to survive this — and I'm going to survive it clean and sober — is because I am not going to let these m---f----ers use me as just another example of why people in recovery are never going to be okay, never to be trusted, they're all degenerates," Biden had said.

"I'm just not going to let that happen. I'm just not going to let it happen," Biden added.

Additional Thoughts from the First Son …

He agreed with the hosts' opinions that his political enemies mostly Republicans, were essentially addicted to hurting others.

"I absolutely am positive of that. If you can't look at some of these people like Marjorie Taylor Greene or Paul Gosar and see someone that have been bullied, that are just absolutely suffering— They're suffering people," he declared.

"And that doesn't excuse the things that they have done to others and to me, but you see people that are in anguish. They're not healthy people," Biden said.

Hunter said those he believes are going after him and allegedly trying to "kill" him were doing so with the goal of hurting his father, President Joe Biden.

"They are trying to destroy a presidency. And so, it's not about me. In their most base way, what they're trying to do is they're trying to kill me, knowing that it will be a pain greater than my father could be able to handle. And so, therefore, destroying a presidency in that way," he said.

"These people are just sad, very, very sick people, that have most likely just faced traumas in their lives that they have decided they're going to turn into an evil that they decided they're going to inflict on the rest of the world," he added.

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