June 8, 2024

House Rules Committee to weigh Garland contempt charges

Things are NOT looking food for Attorney General Merrick Garland, who just learned that the House Rules Committee will consider a resolution to hold him in contempt of Congress next week.

Garland should be shaking in his boots.

The AG has been resisting any investigation into his actions by Republicans, but these legal means may soon mean that Garland will have nowhere left to hide.

Joe Biden knows it too, and he's doing all he can to do what is being described as giving "Garland further legal cover."

One of the ways that Old Slow Joe has done that is to claim "executive privilege" over the recordings that Republicans want, but which Garland is refusing to disclose.

The recordings that Republicans are trying to get their hands on are the tapes of Joe Biden's interview with special counsel Robert Hur that was conducted as a result of a classified documents probe.

Biden even came up with a rather flashy justification for burying the evidence, claiming that Republicans were only interested in the audio so that they could use it in campaign commercials.

In that interview, Hur apparently concluded that Joe Biden shouldn't be held responsible for any wrongdoing because he's a confused old man.

It was pretty surprising, as it was one of the first public admissions that Biden is indeed slowing down.

The problem is that liberals wanted to use Joe's declining state as a reason to excuse him from wrongdoing but have completely ignored what that means for Joe's capabilities to run this country.

Crazy Joe has got to go, but liberals don't want that to happen because he's an easily manipulated puppet whose presence conceals who's REALLY making the decisions behind the scenes.

We know it's not Joe Biden, Robert Hur practically told America that.

Republicans are trying to figure out what's really going on behind the scenes, but liberals trying to hide the evidence like this is indicative of guilt without us ever having to actually see or hear it.

To read more about this story, click on the source here.

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