May 23, 2024

House Republicans have caught Hunter Biden lying under oath

Republican leaders in the U.S. House of Representatives claim to have caught Hunter Biden lying under oath. 

In fact, according to Fox News, House Republicans say that they have "indisputable" proof that Biden did so multiple times.

Lying under oath, of course, is a crime.

This charge, should it be legally pursued, would add to Biden's criminal resume. Biden is currently facing two criminal cases, one for tax-related charges and one for gun-related charges.

Hunter Biden's alleged perjury

The allegations come from U.S. Rep. Jason Smith (R-MO), who is currently the head of the House Ways and Means Committee.

Mediaite explains:

Smith’s committee met on Wednesday and voted to release to the public specific tax documents that had previously been kept confidential under IRS tax code. Smith alleged that the documents show Hunter Biden lied during his February deposition, which was part of the House GOP’s impeachment inquiry into PresidentJoe Biden.

According to Smith, the documents show that Hunter Biden lied at least three times during the deposition. Fox reports, for one thing, "The committee claims Hunter Biden mischaracterized his role working for his firm, Rosemont Seneca, and actually controlled bank accounts he claimed in his deposition he did not."

Then, the outlet continues, "The committee also said Hunter Biden claimed he did not help a foreign national obtain a visa, but the committee says emails between himself and his former associate Devon Archer show that the first son helped a man named Miguel Aleman with visa documents."

And, finally, Fox writes, "The committee also pointed to Hunter Biden's claim that he sent a text to the wrong "Zhao," due to being under the influence, but WhatsApp records show Hunter Biden only spoke with one Zhao — Henry Zhao of Chinese energy firm CEFC."

That's a felony

Smith, in his statement, highlighted the fact that "lying during sworn testimony is a felony offense that the Department of Justice has prosecuted numerous individuals for in recent years."

Accordingly, he said that Americans "expect the same accountability for the son of the President of the United States."

It is highly unlikely, however, that we will get it, considering that Hunter Biden's father, President Joe Biden, is atop the executive branch and, thus, the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ), which would be responsible for prosecuting the perjury claim.

Biden, for his part, claims that he has done nothing wrong.

His attorney, Abbe Lowell, put out a statement, saying, "Here they go again, grasping at straws and twisting Hunter’s testimony to try to revive an impeachment inquiry that was a complete and utter failure."

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