January 30, 2024

House of Representatives Receives Subpoena by Department of Justice

I have to admit, when I first saw this headline, I thought Merrick Garland had gone off the deep end.

After some digging, however, it would appear that the subpoena is actually related to an investigation regarding government money that was being misused for personal security.

It has also been revealed the main subject of interest is a Democrat.

Call Them In

The subpoena was revealed on Monday when the House Clerk read the notification to House members.

The order stated, “The Honorable, the Speaker, the House of Representatives. Sir, this is to notify you formally pursuant to rule 8 of the rules of the House of Representatives that the Office of the Sergeant at Arms for the House of Representatives has been served with a grand jury subpoena for documents issued by the U.S. Department of Justice.

“After consulting with the Office of General Counsel, I have determined that compliance with the subpoena is consistent with the rights and privileges of the House.

“Signed, sincerely, William P. McFarland, Sergeant at Arms of the House of Representatives.”

What is odd about the order is that it lacks specifics, such as what court is issuing the order (there is no jurisdiction mentioned).

After that was reported, Punch Bowl News reported that the DO was “investigating a House Democrat for allegedly misusing government money meant for personal security.”

Then, on Tuesday, that Democrat under investigation was reported as Rep. Cori Bush (D-MO), by several outlets.

Bush, who has been in the headlines many times over her private security, stated that she has done nothing wrong.

Bush stated, “As a rank-and-file member of Congress I am not entitled to personal protection by the House, and instead have used campaign funds as permissible to retain security services.

“I have not used any federal tax dollars for personal security services.”

Bush has reportedly spent tens of thousands of dollars using private security services, claiming that her life is regularly threatened due to her profile.

This does not necessarily have to be federal dollars, however, as it could also be campaign funds that were used improperly.

Regardless, I bet we could get just about every member of Congress on this, so I absolutely look forward to seeing how this investigation pans out.

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