May 2, 2024

House Hearing Erupts in Chaos

Things in the House seem to be getting crazier by the day.

The latest was an outburst when a Democrat flew off the handle over a Republican announcing an objection.

For a second, it looked like the old days of settling disputes by fisticuffs.

I Object

Not surprisingly, the mayhem took place during a House Judiciary hearing, which is chaired by Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH).

Jordan has been known to host some lively hearings, but this one almost got out of control.

The hearing was on government censorship, with Rep. Stacey Plaskett (D-VI) reacting to an objection against Plaskett entering something into the record.

Plaskett wanted an interview she claimed to have had with an Amazon employee, stating that the company had not removed any content.

Rep. Darrell Issa (R-CA) objected, which led to Plaskett losing her mind.

As Plaskett was speaking, Issa objected, so she asked, “Are you going to let me finish my statement?”

Issa accused her of making a speech while making her motion, which led to Jordan moving to table the motion.

Then Plaskett really started to lose it, stating, “Are you going to do this for the rest of hearing?

“You’re gonna operate this way with your colleagues? You don’t follow the rules of the committee when it’s your colleagues over there. You’re gonna treat us this way?

“Is that how we’re going to do this? Is that how we’re going to do this for the rest of the hearing? You have no respect for your colleagues, this is ridiculous!”

During the hearing, former White House senior adviser for the Covid response Andy Slavitt was testifying regarding emails that had been sent to Amazon regarding “misinformation and disinformation” available on Amazon regarding vaccines.

According to one email, Amazon was “feeling pressure from the White House” to remove the content.

I am sure that surprises absolutely nobody reading this when you consider how badly social media was censored during the pandemic, especially accounts associated with conservatives.

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