November 18, 2023

House GOP Plotting Payback At Mike Johnson For Crossing Aisle

Remember when Kevin McCarthy used to be the speaker of the House?

That didn't last long.

And do you know why it didn't last long?

Because some far-right politicians in the House were FURIOUS McCarthy crossed the aisle and made some compromises with Democrats in order to prevent a government shutdown.

As a result of the former speaker making a deal, he was booted out of his position.

After about a month of Republicans making the government look like a complete circus, Mike Johnson, a Republican from Louisiana was handed the gavel.

But now House Republicans are pissed off at him, too.

That's because Johnson's latest move "essentially mirrored Kevin McCarthy’s last act on the job," according to Politico.

"There is a sentiment that if we can’t fight anything, then let’s just hold up everything," said Rep. Ralph Norman, a Republican from South Carolina.

Republicans don't want to risk the chaos that a mutiny would cause less than a month into Johnson's tenure, but many of the members of the conservative Freedom Caucus are saying they'll eventually be ready to do it again if they have to.

"There’s always that tension, but I don’t see that happening anytime in the near future," said Rep. Morgan Griffith, a Republican from Virginia. "I think most people are willing to give him some time, but we need to see something different."

How much time though?

McCarthy barely got any time at all.

Johnson is less than a month into the job, and some are already calling for his head.

Do we need to give these guys more of a chance? Or should they be held accountable to the highest standard right from the beginning?

Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.

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