January 9, 2024

House Committee Releases Resolution on Hunter Biden Contempt

As we expected, Hunter Biden is likely going to be referred by the House Oversight and Accountability Committee for having violated a congressional subpoena.

The committee released its resolution on Monday, accusing Hunter Biden of contempt of Congress.

The committee is now requesting Hunter Biden be referred to the Department of Justice for indictment.

You Made This Bed

Attorney General Merrick Garland has already set the precedent for someone defying a congressional subpoena to be charged.

When congressional subpoenas were defied by Trump allies, they were all referred to the DOJ.

To that point, it will be very difficult for Garland to refuse the referral when it is made.

The resolution stated, “In no uncertain terms, Mr. Biden has no valid reason for failing to comply with the Committees’ duly authorized subpoenas.

“Conversely, the Committees’ need for Mr. Biden’s testimony is well-established pursuant to Congress’s constitutionally prescribed legislative and impeachment functions. By flagrantly defying the Committees’ subpoenas, Mr. Biden has violated federal law.”

It then asks the Speaker to refer the report “to an appropriate United States attorney, to the end that Mr. Biden be proceeded against in the manner and form provided by law.”

It also requests the Speaker to “otherwise take all appropriate action to enforce the subpoena.”

Hunter Biden has stated that he would testify before an open hearing, but that was not what the committee had ordered (side note: Donald Trump Jr. testified for roughly 40 hours behind closed doors when called by the House Select Committee on January 6).

Democrats are already making excuses on this front, referring to Hunter’s offer to testify before an open session, but Hunter does not get to set the rules.

Rep. Jamie Raskin (D-MD) stated, “Instead of taking yes for an answer, Chairman Comer has now obstructed his own hapless investigation by denying Hunter Biden the opportunity to answer all the Committee’s questions in front of the American people and the world.

“Chairman Comer does not want Hunter Biden to testify in public, just as he has refused to publicly release over a dozen interview transcripts, because he wants to keep up the carefully curated distortions, blatant lies, and laughable conspiracy theories that have marked this investigation.

“However, the facts and the evidence all show no wrongdoing and no impeachable offense by President Biden.”

Again, none of Trump’s allies or children were given an option, so why are Democrats suddenly asking for the rules to be changed for Hunter?

He was called, so he needs to testify or pay the price… remember, nobody is above the law.

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