November 16, 2023

House Breaks After Republicans Block Long-term Debate

House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA) got his stopgap spending bill passed, but that is where it stopped.

As the process started to pass the long-term funding bill, the GOP caucus united to block the debate on the long-term spending bills.

So, the House broke for its holiday recess, choosing to go home for two weeks instead of staying in DC to work this out.

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Leading the resistance in the GOP was Rep. Chip Roy (R-TX), who is calling for a new strategy to pass spending legislation.

Roy was livid on the floor after Johnson passed the stopgap spending bill, stating, “I want my Republican colleagues to give me one thing — one — that I can go campaign on and say we did. One!”

Johnson has defended his approach, stating that continued resolution legislation was needed to “place House Republicans in the best position to fight for conservative victories” and “stop the absurd holiday-season omnibus tradition of massive, loaded-up spending bills introduced right before the Christmas recess.”

After only a few weeks on the job, Johnson is clearly already frustrating the caucus.

Rep. Scott Perry (R-PA) stated, “We’re done with the failure theater here in Congress — we’re not just going to pass bills that don’t address the problems that Americans face.”

This is just a complete and utter debacle for Republicans, who simply look like petulant children right now.

They just keep electing people in leadership who are not on the same page as the caucus, and it is embarrassing.

For the record, I am on the side of Roy on this, as I am sick and tired of promises being made, then broken, as well as the complete and utter failure of this caucus right now.

The 2024 election could be our last great opportunity to really move the needle, but something tells me these morons in DC are going to blow it again, just like they did in 2020, 2022, and 2023.

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