March 19, 2024

House Arranging for Hunter Associate to Testify from Prison

House Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer (R-KY) has an impeachment investigation against Joe Biden that is now running on fumes.

He has been involved in this investigation since the GOP took over the House, but he has yet to hold a vote, let alone send a referral to the DOJ for an indictment.

Now Comer is pulling out all the stops to obtain the evidence he needs, including arranging to have a Hunter Biden business associate testify from prison.

Pulling Out All the Stops

If you ask me if I think Joe Biden is corrupt, that answer is a yes.

Having said that, even I have to admit that while Comer has produced some intriguing evidence, he still does not have that smoking gun that would take Biden down in a court of law.

Not only that, but Comer has hurt himself by keeping some information hidden while going public with other details.

For instance, this week we learned that there were wire transfers from Joe Biden to James Biden that could serve as the originating transfers of money for the “loan repayment” checks that were sent to Biden from his brother.

One was only days before the funds were returned and the other just a few weeks prior.

While neither of the loans was properly papered, this now becomes a small tax issue rather than a kickback.

Now, that does not mean that other money was not hidden or transferred to Joe Biden; it just means that those two particular checks now have a trail.

Comer is now soliciting testimony from Jason Galanis, a former Biden associate who is now in jail.

Comer stated, “He is unable to attend the hearing in-person as he is currently in federal custody; the Federal Bureau of Prisons has agreed to allow him to testify remotely.”

In addition to the Galanis remote testimony, former Hunter Biden business associates Devon Archer and Tony Bobulinski will be testifying before the committee.

I am most interested in Bobulinski, as he is the one person the mainstream media completely dismissed when all this got started, but he was by far the most damaging of all, fingering Joe Biden as “the big guy” in previous Hunter Biden communications.

Is he the smoking gun that Comer needs? We are about to find out.

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