November 8, 2023

House Approves Bill Slashing Buttigieg Salary to $1

It would appear members of the House are back to wasting time and taxpayer money again.

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) has put forth legislation to slash the salary of Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg to $1.

Now, don’t get me wrong… I agree with just about everything she said, but this legislation will never get through the Senate let alone signed by Joe Biden.

And I think we would all agree that there are some other rather urgent matters we need to be dealing with right now, especially after we just got our tails handed to us in the 2023 election cycle.

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MTG announced the legislation on X, stating, "I’m proud to announce my amendment to FIRE Pete Buttigieg just PASSED the House. Pothole Pete staged fake bike rides to the White House and used private planes funded by taxpayers to receive awards for the way certain people have sex.

“American taxpayers should not be on the hook for paying for his lavish trips or his salary.

"Pete Buttigieg doesn’t do his job. It’s all about fake photo ops and taxpayer-funded private jet trips to accept LGBTQ awards for him. I’m happy my amendment passed, but he doesn’t deserve a single penny."

So, she was clearly taking a page out of Trump’s playbook with the nickname, but this only works for Trump.

As far as her complaints about Buttigieg, she is right, as he has been a complete and utter disaster.

Other than making some campaign appearances to push the Biden agenda, nobody seems to have any idea what Buttigieg has been doing.

His legacy will be the rail disasters that took place on his watch, and the horrific response by the government.

Now, an outside watchdog is looking into private jet travel by Buttigieg, but again, Buttigieg’s office is not cooperating and stonewalling a request that should have been answered in 20 days, but it has gone unaddressed for five months.

Having said all that, this bill will either be defeated in the Senate or tabled by Senator Schumer (D-N.Y.) and never voted on while Joe Biden is president.

My point being, this is the type of nonsense that energizes voters on the left because it will be portrayed as a partisan political attack.

Quite frankly, it is disappointing Speaker Johnson (R-LA) even allowed this to be put on the floor because the American people on both sides of the aisle are sick and tired of these games being played with our tax dollars.

Congress currently has an approval rating of 19.7%... so can we really afford these stunts?

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