May 10, 2024

Hillary Has Meltdown Over Supreme Court Decision in Trump Case

By all accounts, the Supreme Court is going to punt the presidential immunity case back to the lower courts for reconsideration.

The court seems hesitant to issue a ruling on blanket immunity and would prefer to rule on only the Trump charges; at least, that is what I took for oral arguments.

Regardless, Hillary is fuming that the court is delaying its decision.

Hillary Goes Bonkers

To me, to be fair to the American people voting, all of these cases against Trump should have been filed in a timely fashion to ensure they all concluded before the primary election started.

That, however, was not the Democrat plan.

Ideally, they wanted Trump to win the primary, then have him found guilty in a federal case to create chaos in the election.

While Trump’s legal team has yet to secure a victory, it has been masterful at delaying these cases to the point that it now appears that the weakest case of all, the Bragg hush-money case, is the only case that will have concluded before the general election.

This is largely in part because presidential immunity is key to at least two of these cases, an issue that has yet to be ruled on, which is what set Hillary off.

She stated, “The Supreme Court is doing our country a grave disservice in not deciding the case about immunity. I read the excellent decision by the court of appeals.

“The judges there, I think, covered every possible argument. What we heard when this case was tried before the Supreme Court, to my ear at least, were efforts to try to find loopholes, to try to create an opportunity for Trump to have attempted to overturn an election, to have carried out hundreds and hundreds of pages of very highly classified material for his own amusement, interest, trading, we don’t know what.

“These are very serious charges against any American but someone who’s both been a president and wants to be a president again. That should cause any voter to think not twice, but many, many times over, about whether we should entrust our country to him.”

You know what would have been unfair, Hillary?

Having the American people choose a nominee only to have that nominee eliminated by the courts instead of the voting booth.

This is not about supporting or opposing Trump… it is about being fair.

So, yes, I am glad to see these cases delayed so as not to impact the election outcome.

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