May 12, 2024

Hillary Clinton Furious Over Supreme Court Abortion Arguments

Former first lady and failed presidential candidate Hillary Clinton just got CRUSHED by the Supreme Court.

Clinton admitted that when she was listening to the Supreme Court’s emergency abortion arguments that she thought she would “throw up.”

Clinton sat down for an MSNBC interview where she let her wild beliefs and opinions on abortion fly.

“I thought I would literally throw up listening to the oral argument before the Supreme Court about whether or not doctors and hospitals and nurses have to give emergency care to pregnant women who show up in emergency rooms, as you say, bleeding out in terrible pain, having some extraordinary challenge to a pregnancy that they wanted, but now they are not only sick but maybe dying,” Clinton said.

Clinton was just getting started.

“To hear male justices of the Supreme Court parsing how many organs you have to lose in order to be eligible for emergency treatment, honestly it was ‘The Handmaid’s Tale’ come alive. And it was so distressing to me that you would have that kind of conversation going on in the Supreme Court by a radical group of justices who literally want to turn the clock back. They want to turn it back on all kinds of advances we’ve made,” Clinton continued in her MSNBC interview.

Clinton went on to bash women who support the pro-life movement, saying that “any woman who has any sense of self-respect” should vote for Joe Biden.

‘Therefore, any woman who has any sense of self-respect, autonomy, agency, independence and values freedom, needs to understand there’s only one choice in this election, and that’s Joe Biden. And it is something that I feel so strongly about, because if you are someone who has a religious belief about abortion, then pursue your own religious beliefs. That is exactly what this country allows you — in fact, wants you — to do, but that doesn’t mean that you or any of your male allies get to impose your views on everyone else, every other woman in this country,” Clinton also said.

Does Hillary Clinton understand just how insane she sounds?

She claims to support women but the moment a group of women does not agree with her she attacks them.

Her wild support of Biden leaves the impression that she was sent in there with a campaign script!

Why is she pushing for a second term for Joe Biden so aggressively when NO ONE wants Joe Biden to serve another term -- not even his own party!

The only people who want Joe Biden to serve a second term are those involved in the Biden Administration!

Hillary Clinton should be ashamed of herself.

What do you think of what she had to say in her interview with MSNBC?

Let us know in the comments below.

If you would like to read more information about the details of this story, we encourage you to click on the source link here.

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