December 19, 2023

Hillary Clinton Fueling Trump Fears to Help Joe Biden

And so it begins…

Democrats are breaking the glass on all the old favorites in an effort to help Joe Biden make up ground against Trump.

However, the problem seems to be the old, tired narratives are not working, and surely brushing the dust off Hillary and breaking her out to help Joe has so much hypocrisy that her comments are falling on mostly deaf ears.

Believe Him

The problem, as I see it, is that Democrats are just being so blatantly dishonest and deceptive in the attacks they are making against Trump.

We all know politicians stretch the truth, but they are now latching on to a single line said by Trump, making it out that he is admitting that he will treat the presidency like a dictatorship.

For example, look at Hillary’s response to a post made by Senator Brian Schatz (D-HI)…

That came after Trump, while doing a Town Hall with Fox News’ Sean Hannity, stated that he would be a dictator on Day One to lock down the border and open up domestic drilling.

Trump was clearly taunting Democrats with this statement, and they bit, with that narrative blowing up headlines in all of the major publications as well as being pumped out by just about every politician with a “D” next to their name.

They all want us to believe that Trump will somehow manage to circumvent Congress and have our military leaders fall in line with his evil plan to become dictator of the United States.

What they are suggesting is not even remotely possible, but they will keep pushing this angle in the hopes that it helps Joe Biden win and they will never be proven wrong with Trump in the White House.

Quite frankly, that post on X from Schatz is a complete and utter disgrace, as he is blatantly misleading the American people about the alleged powers of the office that he believes Trump will somehow magically possess.

Rest assured, while there are clearly some idiots in Congress who would love the notion, I can guarantee you that if Trump ever made such a move, he would be immediately removed from office.

You can hate the man all you want, but to say that he will turn our democratic republic into a communist nation is just a blatant and outright lie.

My opinion... anyone making that statement, especially those who make it sound as if there is no doubt at all that will happen if Trump is re-elected, should put their career on the line if they are proven to be wrong. Let's see how serious they are about that claim then.

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