December 7, 2023

High-profile Hedge Fund Manager Demands Resignation of School Presidents

If you were watching congressional hearings this week, you were in for quite an eye-opening experience.

Several school presidents were in the hot seat, and the comments made by them were quite disturbing on the rise of anti-Semitism in this country.

After the presidents of Harvard, MIT, and Penn testified, hedge fund manager Bill Ackman called for all of their resignations.


All of these elite institutions are coming under fire right now over the threats and treatment of Jewish students on campus.

These kids are literally barricading themselves into their dorm rooms for fear of being attacked, or worse.

The justification these school officials were using to allow the vile comments being made to Jewish students was utterly shameful, leaving some members of Congress in complete disbelief, often asking the same questions repeatedly because they could not believe the answers they were hearing.

Ackman put up an extended thread on X summarizing the day's hearings…

At the end of the thread, Ackman recommended that everyone watch the entire hearing, stating, “Throughout the hearing, the three behaved like hostile witnesses, exhibiting a profound disdain for the Congress with their smiles and smirks, and their outright refusal to answer basic questions with a yes or no answer.”

This is going to cost these schools, as funding is already drying up from rich Jewish donors, among others.

Keep in mind, these are all largely liberal-run organizations that are allowing this hateful rhetoric, many of them the same places that banned conservative speakers or who have doxxed conservative students, painting them as some type of radicals.

Not only is funding drying up, but many Jewish parents are pulling their kids out of these schools or deciding to send their children to different schools after they graduate high school.

Ackman, if you have not yet connected the dots, is the man who asked Harvard to release the names of students who signed a pro-terror statement in regard to the attack against Israel on October 7 so he could make sure companies did not hire pro-terrorist graduates.

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