February 27, 2024

HAZMAT Team Called in After Trump Jr. Receives White Powder in the Mail

Donald Trump Jr. had an unsettling surprise waiting for him when he got home on Monday.

It has been reported that a letter that contained white powder was delivered to his home.

Along with that mysterious powder, there was also an alleged death threat.

Here We Go Again

Donald Trump Jr. has not exactly endeared himself to the left.

He has no problem poking the bear, then going on his podcast to talk about how unfairly he and his father have been treated.

To that point, talking to the Daily Caller after the incident took place, Trump Jr. stated, “It’s just become a little bit too commonplace that this sort of stuff happens.

“Clearly, if this happened to a prominent Democrat it wouldn’t be tolerated and would drive news coverage for weeks.

“The media would blame all Republicans and force them to answer for it, But since it’s me, radical haters on the left will largely get a free pass and the media will barely flinch.”

He continued, “It doesn’t matter what your politics are, this type of crap is unacceptable.

“This is actually the second white powder substance envelope that’s been mailed to me.

“The last time we had this happen, it was during my father’s presidency and my then-wife opened it up with my kids by her side.

“So, it’s just sad that we live in a society where politics and the left’s hatred of my father would drive people to do such crazy things, but that’s where we are unfortunately.”

The note that allegedly came with the white powder was a clear death threat, stating “Again, how many lives will be ruined before the psychopath Donald is silenced? Lee Harvey Oswald’s grandson must complete his contract.”

The note concluded, “It’s time for Mary [Trump] to hear that Donald and his family have gone up in smoke when the ‘Trump’ plane dives into the Atlantic Ocean."

When Trump received the note, local fire and HAZMAT teams were sent to the location.

When the substance was tested, the test came back “inconclusive,” so, at this point, authorities are not really sure what was sent to him, but they are fairly certain it was not something that would kill anyone.

And just for the record, every major media outlet, as well as most alt-media outlets, covered the incident.

Jr. is right about something, however, and that is that these types of threats are happening all too often.

This political environment over the last six years has become toxic to this country, putting neighbors against neighbors, not to mention the heightened racial tension in this country.

This is all by design, of course, because that is what politicians do these days… they gaslight and whip people into a frenzy, then tell them they are the only ones that can fix the issue, or one side is a threat to democracy, or a host of a dozen other allegations they make.

We need to remove this from Washington and vote for people who are more interested in serving We the People and less interested in saying something outrageous to grab more headlines and stir the pot.

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