June 10, 2024

Harry Litman claims Samuel Alito may have committed 'impeachable offense'

Harry Litman is a former federal prosecutor, and currently a personality on CNN.

During a recent appearance on the network, Litman dropped a serious bomb on the rest of America.

Litman is claiming that Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito may be able to be impeached.

The conversation concerned the flag(s) that had appeared at Alito's residences in recent years.

At two of Alito's residences, flags that were reported to be in support of Donald Trump or conservatism were seen flying after the country was divided as a result of the January 6 attack back in 2021.

Host Jessica Dean provoked the conversation about Alito:

"You brought up Justice Samuel Alito," she began.

"I do want to ask you, typically about about him, a former neighbor of his questioning the justices explanation for that upside down American flag that you’ve mentioned that was seen flying it as Virginia home in 2021. And you mentioned the letter that he wrote to lawmakers he said it was in response to a very nasty neighborhood dispute, but the neighbor said this week at best, he’s mistaken, but at worst he’s just outright lying."

That's when Harry Litman showed where liberals' heads are at on this issue, and it's a little scary.

"Alito himself has distanced himself from it, which is an implicit understanding that if he himself, were flying the flag, it'd be a problem," Litman began.

His point was that if Alito knew enough to distance himself from the flag, then he probably knew enough that he shouldn't have let his wife fly it in the first place.

"Now, as to this discrepancy," Litman continued...

"The neighbor says that there is material evidence we have a picture in The New York Times in January and a police report at the altercation in February, which Justice Alito says triggered it. Look I’m not saying that the neighbor's word should be taken over that of Justice of the United States. However, there is the discrepancy and I really think it’s essential to get to the bottom of it. If it’s the case, I am not saying it’s the case, but if it is that Justice Alito sent a letter to Congress and didn’t tell the truth in it, that is exceptionally grave. I think that would be an impeachable offense."

What do you think?

Should Alito face serious consequences for letting his wife fly a certain flag at his residence, or is this just another example of the liberal witch hunt against conservatives in this country?

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