January 2, 2024

Haley Supporter Governor Sununu Chastises Christie for Staying in Race, Says Only Helps Trump

It would appear that New Hampshire Governor Chris Sununu is a bit peeved at a fellow Chris, that being the former Governor of New Jersey, Chris Christie.

That would be because his buddy, Nikki Haley, has soared in polls in his state and if Christie was not in the race, she would have a legitimate chance at taking the state.

In current polling, Trump is leading at 44.1%, but Haley has surged up to 25.7%, with, believe it or not, Christ Christie now in third over DeSantis, hauling in 11.1% of the support.

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Sununu was pitching the narrative that I have stated all along, that a crowded field only helps one candidate, that being Donald Trump.

It is highly unlikely that a single voter who supports Christie would be supporting Trump, so Christie, who is, at best, in fourth place in every other state, is stealing votes away from Haley.

If Christie was out and Haley was able to absorb his full contingent of supporters, all of a sudden Haley is at 36.8 percent and right on Trump’s heels.

To that point, Sununu stated, “He knows his voters who want to see Trump defeated are all coming over to Nikki Haley.

“In fact, the only person who wants Chris Christie to stay in the race is Donald Trump. Think about the irony of that.”

Haley has somehow surged after several blunders that we would have expected to kill her campaign.

I thought she was dead in the water after saying she wanted to dox all anonymous social media users, but that is actually when her candidacy took off.

She made several more errors, but the biggest was when she failed to cite slavery as a primary cause of the Civil War, which drew criticism from both sides of the aisle, yet she kept moving up.

Trump, meanwhile, has seen a slight dip of about three points since his highest primary polling, with Haley now taking over second against DeSantis by 0.1%.

With Haley dominating DeSantis in South Carolina, I believe DeSantis will be making his last stand in Iowa.

If he does not pull off a win in that state after dedicating all of his resources there for about a month, I just do not see a path forward for him, leaving just Haley and Trump as the main primary candidates (I would expect Ramaswamy to drop out and endorse Trump after DeSantis drops out, with Christie dropping and endorsing Haley).

For Trump to even be remotely threatened in this election, it will have to be a head-to-head race before we get to Super Tuesday on March 5.

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