November 28, 2023

Haley PAC Spending Big Bucks Attacking DeSantis, Not Trump

Something hokey is going on in the GOP primary race.

Nikki Haley’s main PAC, the Stand for America PAC, just released its ad spend.

Outside of promoting Nikki Haley’s agenda, her PAC is spending 99.29% of its attack money on Ron DeSantis, with not a single penny going to attack Trump.

Teaming Up

So, when this race first started, I was pretty sure that Haley was a Trump operative in this race solely to take out DeSantis, hurt him in South Carolina, and then she would join Trump’s campaign.

I mistakenly drifted away from that thinking that with her surge, she may decide to join forces with DeSantis and have a super-ticket that could take Trump on before Super Tuesday.

I am now back to premise number one after seeing Haley go after DeSantis, including using the Trump childish attack about lifts in his shoes.

With Haley now spending $3.5 million on attack ads against DeSantis, nothing against Trump, and only $25,000 on Biden, I am now convinced she has some type of backroom deal going with Trump for either VP, Secretary of State, or another high-ranking position in Trump’s cabinet if Trump wins the election.

When asked about the spending, SFA spokesperson Brittany Yanick stated, “Ron DeSantis’ lies and desperate mudslinging aren’t working; it’s backfiring and costing him support.

“We won’t allow DeSantis to spread lies about Nikki’s record when it comes to China or terrorism in the Middle East. We’re focused on ensuring voters understand Nikki Haley’s record and DeSantis’ latest attempts to rewrite history amid his sinking ship of a campaign.”

Why I don’t think Haley has serious aspirations for the White House at this point is because if she is going to win, she needs to attract DeSantis’ base, not alienate it, and she needs to chip away at Trump’s massive lead.

Not only is she attacking DeSantis, but she is putting out some pretty significant lies about him in the process.

There was a time when I would have supported Nikki Haley, and actually thought she was a legit candidate to be the first woman president, but that day no longer exists.

Some of her recent comments, and the outright dishonesty regarding DeSantis have put her on my permanent “no” list.

I thought she was an exception, better than the typical trash we see in DC, but I was wrong. She is just another moderate establishment hack who will do and say whatever it takes to get elected, and that is something that I will never support.

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