January 12, 2024

Haley Lands Shot at DeSantis Over Campaign Finances

On Wednesday night, Nikki Haley and Ron DeSantis squared off on the debate stage.

Haley took a swing at DeSantis over the problems he had during his presidential campaign.

After DeSantis tried to swing back, Haley got cocky, responding, “I think I hit a nerve.”

The Joust

The problems of the DeSantis campaign are well known at this point, as Trump has made sure to blast them out every time DeSantis has an issue.

So, Haley tried to capitalize on this to make DeSantis appear as though he was not ready for prime time.

She stated, “The best way to tell about a candidate is to see how they run their campaign.

“He has blown through 150 million dollars. I don’t even know how you do that.

“He has nothing to show for it. He’s spent more money on private planes than he has on commercials trying to get Iowans to vote for him. If you can’t manage a campaign, how are you going to manage a country?”

I wish I could defend DeSantis on this, but I cannot, as the campaign was badly managed, which falls more on his campaign manager, but DeSantis is the person who hired the campaign manager, so it still ultimately falls in his lap.

Having said that, DeSantis has far more to go on other than his campaign, as he is by far the most successful Republican governor we have in office right now.

I can easily accept some growing pains in terms of running a campaign for someone who has proven he can run a government office.

Having said that, that particular argument was clearly won by Haley, even getting some laughs and a round of applause from the crowd.

And DeSantis did himself no favors in how he responded, almost coming off whiney in that moment, which is a shame.

The one knock on DeSantis throughout this campaign is that he does not have a good stage presence, and that is what our presidential elections have turned into over the last couple of decades.

They resemble more of a beauty contest than vetting the person who will control the keys of the country.

With every passing day, save a massive shock in the Iowa caucus, this is clearly coming down to a head-to-head battle between Trump and Haley.

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