October 9, 2023

Haley Calls Antony Blinken 'Irresponsible' for Claiming No Link Between Israel Attack and Iran Money

GOP presidential candidate Nikki Haley criticized Secretary of State Antony Blinken over his comment that there is no connection between terrorist attacks on Israel and American money given to Iran.

Haley shared the concerns during an interview on NBC's "Meet the Press" on Sunday.

"I actually think it was irresponsible for Secretary Blinken to say that the $6 billion doesn't weigh in here," Haley said.

"I mean, let's be honest with the American people and understand that Hamas knows and Iran knows they're moving money around as we speak because they know $6 billion is going to be released. That's the reality," she added.

"The deal with Iran helped free US citizens Siamak Namazi, 51, Emad Sharqi, 59, and Morad Tahbaz, 67, a duel U.S.-U.K. national, as well as two unidentified U.S. citizens," the Daily Mail reported in the $6 billion deal.

"Five Iranians detained in the US were also released under its terms," the Daily Mail continued.

Iran has long backed proxy groups attacking Israel, including Hamas. However, the investigation of the current conflict has not yet confirmed who is behind the weapons used in the weekend attacks against Israel.

Haley and other leaders are already pointing the blame at the Biden administration over its lax policies toward Iran.

The prisoner deal also follows several weak policies toward Iran, including multiple attempts to restart a nuclear deal during the first year of Biden's time in office.

The latest attacks will need to be investigated further to determine the connections but the timing doesn't look good for the president as he seeks to run for a second term as president in 2024.

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