May 12, 2024

Greg Abbott Defies Biden on Border Crisis

Since his first day as president of the United States of America, Joe Biden made it clear that there was at least one problem he had ZERO intention of ever fixing.

America's border crisis.

Very early in his tenure as America's President, Biden appointed Vice President Kamala Harris to be America's "Border Czar," meaning that she was going to be responsible for solving the crisis that our southwestern border states are dealing with.

Especially for liberals who don't live in Arizona, New Mexico, or Texas, illegal immigration is of little concern to them.

Since the people illegally flooding over America's southern border usually don't migrate THAT far north unless they are bussed or flown, the states closest to the border are the ones bearing the brunt of the burden for Joe Biden's policies that allow them to thrive.

By putting Harris in charge of America's southern border, Biden practically ensured that the problem would definitely persist throughout the entirety of his term.

By demanding that voter identification laws be lessened, Biden and the rest of the liberals in this country were trying to make it as easy as possible for the illegal immigrants to vote because he feels like they owe him one.

Texas Gov. Greg Abbott can see right through Biden's plan, and he's not going to let it happen on his watch.

Abbott has officially defied Joe Biden's new asylum proposal.

Biden recently "unveiled proposals aimed at speeding up the asylum claims process for some migrants, including those with prior criminal convictions. For these categories, asylum officers would be given the power to decide migrants are ineligible for asylum at their initial screening, rather than waiting potentially months for a judge to make the ruling."

Abbott put his foot down quickly and firmly, saying that he needs to take care of the people of Texas before he lets illegal immigrants receive and do whatever they want.

Abbott is NOT going to let illegals flood over his border, no matter how much Kamala and Joe want that to happen.

Abbott has put razor wire along the border, and he's started bussing illegal immigrants to "sanctuary cities."

If people like Abbott don't quickly stand up for what's right, the illegal immigration problem could quickly change our country forever.

And not for the better.

If you would like to read more information about the details of this story, we encourage you to click on the source link here.

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