December 26, 2023

Graham: Trump Will Be on CO Ballot and Win Primary

Senator Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.), one of the few establishment Republicans who remains an ally of Trump, has made his bold prediction of the election.

Graham recently stated that the Colorado ruling will be overturned to allow Trump to be on the primary ballot.

He then stated that Trump would win the primary race in the state.

Bold Prediction

There is almost zero doubt that the decision made by the Colorado Supreme Court was political in nature and not based on any real legal premise.

The fact that Trump has never been charged with insurrection, let alone convicted will likely result in the Supreme Court overturning the ruling by the Colorado State Supreme Court.

Graham is no dummy, and he knows this, so stepping out with this prediction was not exactly a big risk for him. Nor was predicting that Trump would win the primary, as Trump is dominating in polling right now.

This was Graham currying favor from Trump, proving to the presidential candidate that he remains loyal to him.

Graham stated, “This Colorado Supreme Court made a political decision. In my view, there is no constitutional basis for the decision they rendered. I think it will be a slam dunk in the Supreme Court. Donald Trump will eventually be on the ballot in Colorado. I think he will win the primary.

“You’ve got a lot of good choices in the Republican Party. But this ruling in Colorado is chilling to me. And it would set up a politicization of the presidential races. It would be bad for the country.”

Graham then went on to justify Donald Trump questioning the outcome of the election, stating, “You know, Hillary Clinton had the same view that she was cheated. He’s not the first politician to claim to have been denied a fair election.

“But here’s what I would say: I accept the election results of 2020. I’m worried about 2024.

“If President Trump puts the vision out, improving security and prosperity for Americans, he will win. If he looks back, I think he will lose.

“So, at the end of the day, the 2020 election’s over for me. We need to secure the ballot in the 2024 cycle. But Donald Trump’s not the first person to complain about an election.”

Graham is right about that, as we can go back to every big Democrat loss and show that the individual on the ballot whined about the result or questioned the legitimacy of the election, and this includes Hillary Clinton, Al Gore, and Stacey Abrams.

The media has always accepted these challenges from the Democrats, but every time a Republican decides to question the outcome, it becomes a national headline.

Hillary Clinton still maintains that the 2016 election was stolen and Trump was an illegitimate president, but, for some reason, that is okay.

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