May 14, 2024

Governor Noem Banned by Two More Native American Tribes

With every passing day, it seems like Governor Kristi Noem’s political career goes deeper down that rabbit hole.

When her book came out, she more or less kissed her hopes of being Trump’s VP goodbye due to her story about killing her 14-month-old dog.

That hole just got a bit deeper after two more tribes in South Dakota banned Noem from their lands.

Stay Out

Noem has made some statements in the past that have not sat well with Native American tribes in South Dakota.

For instance, in March, she stated, “We’ve got some tribal leaders that I believe are personally benefiting from the cartels being there, and that’s why they attack me every day.

“But I’m going to fight for the people who actually live in those situations, who call me and text me every day and say, ‘Please, dear governor, please come help us in Pine Ridge. We are scared.'”

Then in May, she posted on X, “Tribal leaders should take action to ban the cartels from their lands and accept my offer to help them restore law and order to their communities while protecting their sovereignty.”

That last comment led to the Yankton Sioux and Sisseton-Wahpeton Ovate joining the Oglala, Rosebud, Cheyenne River, and Standing Rock Sioux in banning Noem from their territory.

That would make six of the nine Native American tribes in the area that do not want Noem on their grounds.

This accounts for about 20% of the state's territory, so this is no small deal for Noem.

It truly is a shame, as Noem had been plugging along rather well, getting national attention on her own and at one point, she and Nikki Haley were arguably the two favorites to top a ticket for the GOP in 2028 or 2032.

She was set to make history, but then she flipped a switch, dedicating herself to getting in line to become Trump’s VP. In the process, she destroyed her career.

It truly is a shame to see someone’s career go up in flames like this, but Noem has nobody to blame but herself on this one.

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