February 28, 2024

Governor Gavin Newsom Faces Second Recall Election

California Democrat Governor Gavin Newsom has been all over the country trying to improve his national profile.

He has also traveled to different countries to speak to world leaders.

In other words, he is doing everything but his job, and California voters appear to be fed up with him again.


I am going to guess that when Gavin Newsom took a trip to China to sit down with leadership for no apparent reason, Newsom’s detractors had about enough of him.

California has more than its fair share of problems, so when your governor is trouncing all over the country to point out issues in red states, it is easy to see why voters got fed up.

It takes nearly 1.4 million petition signatures to move forward in a recall election in California, and the last time Newsom faced a recall, they had more than two million, so I am guessing getting the roughly 1.4 million needed will not be a problem this time around.

Anne Hyde Dunsmore, campaign director for Rescue California, the organization behind the recall effort, stated, "We got them in three days. They range from mostly just depressed, repressed, and suppressed citizens of the state of California. - along with some leadership in law enforcement and so forth. We are filing and we are not messing around.”

She later added, "Highest homeless rates, highest taxes in the country - all of those things are in there as reasons for the recall.

“Included in that are the safety and education issues. We are the bottom of the list of best-educated states in the country.”

Dunsmore continued on that California is now facing a $73 billion deficit, as all that “free” money that California had from Biden’s big spending bills is long gone.

Newsom disregarded the effort, clearly feeling his oats after putting down the first effort, having defeated Republican and radio host Larry Elder in the first recall.

While he did not formally respond, he did post this on X, "Trump Republicans are launching another wasteful recall campaign to distract us from the existential fight for democracy and reproductive freedom. We will defeat them."

Newsom is the heir apparent and golden boy of the party, so Democrats are trying to play this off as a bogus threat because he beat back the first recall effort.

We should note there have been about 150 recall elections in California, but only six of them have been successful.

So, while it is nearly impossible to beat an incumbent in a recall election, it is a black mark and one that could haunt Newsom in future presidential elections if he takes the next step, which most pundits believe will happen in 2028, if not replacing Biden on the current ballot if Biden chooses or is forced to step aside.

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