May 14, 2024

GOP Worried Wisconsin SCOTUS Will Overturn Ballot Drop Box Ruling

It was no surprise to hear that Democrats were going to challenge a previous decision in Wisconsin that limited where ballot drop boxes could be placed.

When the Wisconsin Supreme Court had a conservative lean, the number of locations was dialed back in the name of election integrity.

With the Democrats now taking over the court, they are hoping to get the ruling flipped that prevented ballot boxes from being placed in certain locations.

Going Back

It is no secret that all the changes made to election laws during COVID benefitted Democrats.

I will not go so far as to make any allegations, but the fact of the matter is that Democrats embraced the changes while the GOP fought against them openly.

Voters on the GOP side of the aisle were discouraged from voting early and using absentee ballots, while Democrats embraced it.

This led to record turnout, which obviously benefitted Joe Biden when we saw virtually every battleground state flip when absentee and early votes were finally counted.

During oral arguments to reinstate the previous guidelines, it seemed that the court was ready to reverse that decision.

For instance, Democratic Justice Jill Karofsky asked, “What if we just got it wrong?

“What if we made a mistake? Are we now supposed to just perpetuate that mistake into the future?”

This is concerning with Democrats now having a 4-3 edge on the court.

Personally, I have zero problems with absentee and early voting as long as the ballots are witnessed or authenticated to ensure that the person who casts the vote is, in fact, the person whose name is on the ballot.

I had never used absentee or early voting before COVID and I purposely used both methods over the last two cycles to try them. Once in Arkansas, and then in Texas after I moved.

In both states, I thought the verification process was adequate, but not all states follow the same guidelines.

All I think any of us want is to prevent fraud, and I am just concerned that having more unsupervised ballot drop boxes will put that at risk.

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