January 25, 2024

GOP Strategist Questions ‘Realistic Path’ for Haley in Election

For the 2024 GOP primary election, there are 2,429 delegates, meaning the nomination can be secured with 1,215 delegates.

After the first two states, Donald Trump has 65, with Nikki Haley now holding 17.

New Hampshire, however, appeared to be Haley’s best shot at a win, and she still lost to Trump by double digits, leaving many wondering what her path forward to 1,215 is.

Can She Get There?

Next up is Nevada, where Trump is going to roll, when then takes us to South Carolina, Haley’s home state, on February 24.

In current polling, Trump is leading Haley 63.3 to 24.9%, and this is her home state. Trump is also leading in the following states, which are Idaho, Michigan, DC, and North Dakota.

That brings us to Super Tuesday, March 4, where 16 states are holding elections, and more than 30% of the delegates will be up for grabs.

The two big prizes that day are California, which has 169 delegates, and Texas, which holds 161 delegates. Trump is up 71.4-12.9% and 73.7-10.5% respectively.

In other words, there is no real path for Haley to win this nomination, no matter how she tries to spin this, which brings us to the recent comments by GOP strategists regarding a possible path forward for Haley.

Targeted Victory Vice President Matt Gorman stated, "It’s not over yet, but Haley needs to set a realistic path for supporters, donors, and the press as to how she’ll start actually winning some of these.”

Jimmy Keady, JLK Political Strategies founder and president, added, “The trick is that candidates and their consultants must capitalize on the momentum and not fizzle out as we have seen in the past.

"What we are going to see in the coming weeks will likely be a coalescing of support from Republican leaders across the country."

Haley did get some momentum in New Hampshire, finishing far closer than most expected, but she just has too much ground to make up and not enough time or money.

Haley is not going to get a long line of supporters behind her because they all know that giving her money right now is just wasting it for efforts that can be used in the general election.

From my perspective, I am just hoping that Haley hangs around through Super Tuesday so I can get a better idea of how the different demographics will play out in the general election.

That will give us a much better idea of who Trump should consider to be his VP in order to draw in the voters he will lose among Republicans who will refuse to vote for him in the general election.

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