October 12, 2023

GOP REPORT: Biden Welcomed Millions of Illegal Migrants in 2 Years

Since Joe Biden has been in office, our borders have been effectively open.

The numbers at the border are staggering, but yet they keep coming, in record numbers, month after month.

A recent report by a GOP House committee puts that number at close to four million when you consider the gotaways that have also entered the country.

Staggering Numbers

The report stated, “The Biden Administration failed to remove, through immigration court proceedings, 99.73 percent of illegal aliens released into the United States during President Biden’s first 26 months in office.”

Now, keep in mind that is only the migrants that were processed and given a court date.

The report Is called, “The Biden Border Crisis: New Data and Testimony Show How the Biden Administration Opened the Southwest Border and Abandoned Interior Immigration Enforcement.”

To that number, you can then add the estimated 1.7 million gotaways over the same period, which puts us at 3.8 million illegals in this country over a mere 24 months.

This has been the Democrat plan all along, and they have never hidden it.

For instance, Labor Secretary Marty Walsh previously stated, “The issue of immigration is how do we make sure that companies and businesses have the opportunity to employ people.

“Every business leader in America I speak to, every single one, says it’s really important … for us to figure out the immigration issue.”

The point was that they want more migrant workers to fill positions, but that does not mean opening the borders to millions of illegals.

This all plays out in favor of businesses, which can then pay lower wages to migrants who are just happy to have a check.

These migrants will eventually get on the voter rolls as well, which also helps Democrats retain power.

And that is why Joe Biden wants amnesty and continues to have porous borders.

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