October 9, 2023

GOP Pointing Fingers at Biden for Israel-Palestine War

As the entire world now knows, Iran-backed Hamas attacked Israel this weekend in a devastating missile and terror attack.

These animals were parading around naked dead women in the street as though they were trophies.

This is something that happened because of a very weak United States president… that fact simply cannot be argued.

This is on Biden

Our enemies attack allies based on their perception of what the United States will do in response.

When Donald Trump left office, we saw an elevated aggression from North Korea against South Korea, China against Taiwan, and the Russian invasion of Ukraine.

Now the unthinkable has happened… an unprovoked attack by Hamas against Israel, which has not put Israel at war with Palestine.

Make no mistake about it. Joe Biden helped fund this attack with the recent prisoner swap where Iran also had $6 billion in assets being held by South Korea unfrozen and released to Qatar, which then put the money into Iran’s hands. That money may not be in the game yet, but I would guarantee it played in the decision for Iran to give Hamas the thumbs-up to carry out this attack.

Biden’s need to coddle Iran had the White House pushing the narrative that the money would only be used for humanitarian aid, which we all know is complete and utter nonsense.

It is no coincidence that a month after Iran got its hands on $6 billion, the Iranian-backed Hamas launched a massive attack against Israel.

On September 11, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei stated, “The main lines of this transformation are several things: First of all, the weakening of the world’s arrogant powers.

“They themselves say that the indicators of American power in the world like the economy are declining. One of the most important indicators of American power was the strong American economy; they say it is declining.”

Jake Wallis Simons, editor of the Jewish Chronicle, warned, “Hamas is being funded and equipped by Tehran … which the U.S. has been appeasing and enabling in recent months, as billions of dollars have flowed into the regime’s coffers.”

Secretary Antony Blinken defended the $6 billion transfer at the time, stating, “By focusing on alleviating the humanitarian situation in Yemen, we hope the Yemeni parties can also focus on engaging in dialogue.”

Joe Biden has not only made our country weaker, he has put our allies at risk, and now the American taxpayer will pay the price.

The Biden administration had mainstream media continue to push the narrative that America backing Ukraine makes sense because it helps drain Russian military assets, but what about our assets?

This country is virtually out of ammunition, and we will now be backing two allies at war, draining our assets even further.

Biden has yet to enact the Defense Production Act that could have factories cranking out ammunition, weapons, and equipment.

The media and Democrats ripped Trump for not using these powers during the pandemic, yet now our national security is facing a dire crisis, and everyone is sitting on their hands.

Our country is very close to being defenseless, and we surely could not defend ourselves against a dual-front attack right now.

Yet, about half this country would still vote for Joe Biden in an election. It is just baffling to me.

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