November 8, 2023

GOP Objects to Biden Plan to Turn Airports into Migrant Camps

The timing of this plan being leaked could not be more appropriate.

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) just introduced legislation to strip the salary of Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg.

The bill will never get through the Senate and even if it did, it would never be signed by Biden, but this report surely backs up the claims she made in her legislation.

Put Them in the Airport

If Buttigieg and Biden have their way, your next trip to the airport could see you dodging migrants in sleeping bags.

The other joker in this administration, Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Secretary Mayorkas “has proposed housing 60,000 migrants at four public airports and various other facilities in New York and New Jersey.”

Such a plan would have to be approved by Buttigieg as the Transportation Secretary.

House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee Chairman Sam Graves (R-MO) is leading an effort of a total of 70 Republicans pushing back on this plan.

In part, they wrote, “These airports and their communities rightfully fear being transformed into larger versions of Chicago O’Hare International Airport, which has reportedly converted portions of its terminal into a shelter for hundreds of migrants.

“At a time when the Administration is proposing higher screening requirements on known airline crewmembers due to security risks, we are extremely concerned about the lack of regard for security risks posed by housing thousands of unknown persons at airports, many of which support passenger air service and host sensitive military facilities.”

Believe it or not, this plan is actually already in place in some cities, such as Chicago’s O’Hare Airport.

I have seen pictures on social media of hundreds of migrants camped out on the floor as travelers pass by in disbelief.

The letter asks Buttigieg, “To what extent has DHS consulted with the FAA about the appropriateness of proposing to house migrants at airports? If DHS has consulted with the FAA, what has been the FAA’s response?”

Rather than address the actual problem, this administration just keeps looking for ways to allow more migrants into the country illegally.

Since Joe has been living in the White House, part-time, mind you, more than six million illegals have entered this country with Mayorkas and Biden holding their arms wide open. Roughly half of those have been released to the country’s interior.

And now they are looking to make “The Terminal” a real-life scenario.

Maybe that is why Obama is spending so much time with Tom Hanks lately… getting some ideas to forward to Joe on how people can actually live at a terminal in an airport.

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