October 30, 2023

GOP Judiciary Report Helps Limit Surprise IRS Visits to Taxpayers

A House Judiciary Committee subcommittee claims the IRS has decreased unannounced visits to taxpayers after pressure from the group.

The GOP-led subcommittee on government weaponization shared the finding in a new report.

"The Committee’s and Select Subcommittee’s oversight revealed, and led to the swift end of, the IRS’s weaponization of unannounced field visits to harass, intimidate, and target taxpayers," the report stated.

"Taxpayers can now rest assured the IRS will not come knocking without providing prior notice — something that should have been the IRS’s practice all along," it added.

Wyoming GOP Rep. Harriet Hageman took to social media to share her concern over the IRS practice.

"Through our work on the Subcommittee on Weaponization of the Federal Government, we highlighted many abuses, and the IRS is finally ending its absurd policy of unannounced home visits," she wrote.

"I won't be satisfied until all 87,000 agents hired to harass taxpayers are completely defunded," she continued.

Conservatives have long spoken out against the issue of surprise IRS visits to American homes after several concerning incidents that have appeared politically motivated.

For example, journalist Matt Taibbi received a surprise visit in Washington, D.C. on the same day he was scheduled to testify about social media censorship in his Twitter Files.

The investigation of the IRS and its practices is starting to make an impact, but much more work must be done to crack down on suspicious intrusions of Americans from the federal agency.


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