June 3, 2024

GOP Focusing on Bragg Prosecutor After Conviction

There is a lot to unpack in regard to the guilty verdict of Donald Trump.

From the reaction of some Republicans, to whether the case ever should have been filed, the hand-picked judge, to the ties to the Biden administration.

We are going to get to them all, but I want to focus on the connection of a Bragg prosecutor to the Biden administration.

Smells Funny

Matthew Colangelo is a prosecutor in Alvin Bragg’s Manhattan office.

He also happens to be one of the prosecutors that was assigned to the Trump case.

But there is one more link, and that takes us directly to the Biden administration. Colangelo was one of the top officials in the Department of Justice before moving to Bragg’s office.

Of course, this has started to raise eyebrows, especially when you consider that Bragg’s office and the DOJ initially declined to prosecute.

Let me run a little scenario by you…

Garland decides that if he files against Trump, it would look like the weaponization of the DOJ against a political opponent.

However, the statute of limitations has run out regarding a misdemeanor in New York, so what are their options?

Is it beyond this administration that they would send an operative into the New York office to concoct a felony indictment against Trump to take him out of the picture?

Prior to Trump being slapped with a gag order, he brought up this exact point, stating, “Remember this. Colangelo was a DOJ guy. He’s a Biden DOJ guy.

“Why is he in the Manhattan DA’s office trying the case? That in itself is a conflict.”

I completely agree with Trump on this one, and a Trump insider confirmed they are really looking at going after Colangelo in this appeals process, stating, “I think the timeline is really important.

“He’s in one of the premier legal posts in America, and he suddenly quits his job, goes to become a line prosecutor in the New York DA’s office, and then almost immediately thereafter, the zombie case comes back to life.”

Republican committee chairs are already planning on calling Bragg and Colangelo into the hot seat, but it is not going to stop there.

Article III Project founder Mike Davis stated, “You have … Matthew Colangelo getting deployed as a senior political appointee in the Biden Justice Department to resurrect the zombie case that the prior Manhattan DA, Cy Vance, the Manhattan U.S. attorney, the Federal Election Commission, Bragg himself declined to bring until they brought this case to directly interfere in the 2024 presidential election.”

This link to the Biden administration as well as the timeline, as David noted, stinks.

If it looks and smells corrupt, there’s a good chance it’s corrupt, and hopefully, we will find out soon enough.

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