June 27, 2024

GOP Files Amicus Brief to Try to Help Steve Bannon

Steve Bannon has less than a week before he has to report to a low-security facility in Connecticut to serve his four-month sentence for contempt of Congress.

With the clock ticking, Republicans have filed an amicus brief with the court on Bannon’s behalf to help him avoid prison, or at least delay the sentence until after the election.

The GOP's strategy is to invalidate the Selection Committee on January 6, thereby rendering the charges moot.

Set Him Free

House Administration Subcommittee on Oversight Chairman Barry Loudermilk made the announcement on Wednesday regarding the brief.

Loudermilk stated, “My Committee has spent the past year and a half turning over every rock, examining every shred of evidence, and investigating the entirety of operations of Vice-chair Liz Cheney and Chair Bennie Thompson’s Select Committee on January 6th.

“We have resoundingly discovered that they were not completely truthful with the American people.

“They had little regard for House rules and no regard for transparency. They suppressed key pieces of evidence, cherry-picked evidence that supported their narrative, and played a 20 million dollar blame-game to frame President Trump and Republicans.”

He continued, “While Nancy Pelosi and Liz Cheney’s two-year inquisition may have entertained the media and kept numerous Democrat lawyers busy, it had very real world implications, which we see in the imprisonment of Peter Navarro and Steve Bannon.

“However, the previously suppressed evidence uncovered by my subcommittee exposes that their ‘findings’ were not supported by the facts, evidence, and sworn testimonies.”

Steven Bannon expressed his gratitude for the effort, but he also stated that he did not expect it to be successful.

I get what they are doing here, but I checked social media after this and quite frankly, conservatives are getting fed up with Congress working for a select few in the Trump camp when they are supposed to be working for We the People.

To this point, they have only passed statement legislation that never had a chance to make it out of the Senate, while we continue to get buried by Biden’s ridiculous policies.

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