October 22, 2023

GOP Demands Minnesota Keep Trump On 2024 Ballot

There are three major Republican committees that have all recently come together, and they have the same demand:

Keep Donald Trump on the ballot in Minnesota in 2024.

The Republican National Committee (RNC), National Republican Senatorial Committee (NRSC), and National Republican Congressional Committee (NRCC) filed an amicus brief with the Minnesota Supreme Court on Friday in an effort to prevent a Democrat-aligned group from preventing Donald Trump from being on the ballot in Minnesota.

Any attempt to actually keep Trump off the ballot would not be based in common sense, it would only be part of the disturbing political witch hunt that has been taking place against the former president for quite some time now.

Liberals think that with each new charge and complaint against Trump that they are closer and closer to keeping him out of office in 2024, but nothing could be farther from the truth.

Trump's popularity is actually going up with each new allegation that liberals bring against him.


Because it substantiates Trump's claim that this has been nothing but a political witch hunt the entire time.

Things are getting especially weird in Minnesota, where it seems as though it's actually a possibility that Trump might have trouble getting on that state's ballot.

RNC Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel released a statement about what Democrats are trying to do in Minnesota and how Republicans need to fight back:

"The 2024 Republican presidential candidate will be decided by Republican voters, not courts or government officials. Disqualifying candidates from the ballot based on crimes they haven’t been charged with would set a destructive precedent for future elections and is purely political. Republicans are united in pushing back against this dangerous overreach," she said.

Do you think that Trump will win in 2024, or could dirty tricks like this actually slow him down?

To read more about this story, click on the source here.

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