February 29, 2024

GOP Blocks Democrat IVF Legislation

Democrats have been in meltdown mode ever since the Alabama Supreme Court announced its in vitro fertilization (IVF) ruling.

The court ordered that frozen embryos are to be treated like living children, which would put the entire method at risk in the state of Alabama.

Knowing there are Republicans who support IVF, Democrats tried to pass legislation in the Senate by unanimous consent, but it was blocked by Senator Cindy Hyde-Smith (R-MS).


The legislation was floored by Senator Tammy Duckworth (D-IL) this week.

She was hoping to federally protect IVF, but she, of course, loaded the legislation with Trojan Horses.

So, instead of getting the bill passed, Hyde-Smith blocked it.

Backing her blocking of the bill, Hyde-Smith stated, “It would legalize human cloning. It would legalize commercial surrogacy, including for young girls without parental involvement.

“It would legalize gene-edited designer babies and lift the federal ban on the creation of three-parent embryos.”

Duckworth responded, “It does not force anyone to see reproductive technology. It does not force anyone to offer it. It does not force anyone to cover it.

“It simply says you have a statutory right should you choose to pursue assisted reproductive technology.”

Duckworth immediately went on social media slamming Republicans for blocking the IVF bill after having openly expressed their support for protecting the fertility method.

But, as I noted earlier, had they put something straightforward out there, it would have easily passed, but there is no compromise anymore.

This is all about setting traps in something you know most people want to support, so if it fails, you can call out the other side.

Congress is political theater, and the days have long since passed when we took these people seriously.

I firmly believe that social media has ruined Congress, as all of them seem to be far more interested in clicks, likes, and shares than they are in actually working for We the People.

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