January 30, 2024

GOP Blocking Immigration Legislation in the Senate

Immigration under Joe Biden has been a hot mess.

Since Joe Biden has been in office, we have seen record-breaking encounters at the border almost every month, including December.

There is now a piece of bipartisan legislation passing through the Senate that is dead on arrival in the House courtesy of Speaker Johnson (R-LA), but now some Senate Republicans are also pushing back.

Dog and Pony Show

There are several key aspects of the deal that I have seen so far, none of them really doing anything about the immigration problem at the border.

For instance, if the average number goes over 5,000 during a two-week period, Biden would be permitted to close the border until that number is under 3,750.

As we saw previously, Biden has closed down border points during this administration and he can take executive order actions to do the same, so this is nothing new.

What struck me about the deal was that it will increase legal immigration, while also giving the administration to release several thousand migrants to the country’s interior every few days, something else that Biden is already doing.

In essence, this legislation is going to make legal all the workarounds that Biden has been doing to get around the current rules. Biden is basically asking Congress to codify his current tactics, and there are actually Republicans willing to go along with this.

While the Republicans working on the deal are treating this like some real reform, I just don’t see it, and neither does Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX), among others.

Cruz stated, “Senate Republican leadership’s deal with the Democrats is dead on arrival in the House. The border package doesn’t even come close to securing the border.”

South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem, a frontrunner to be Trump’s VP, added, “The border deal would [do] NOTHING to secure the border. In fact, it would [codify] the open border!

“Joe Biden doesn’t need a deal to secure the border TODAY.”

This is a political stunt by Biden to try to flip the narrative on the border, but it won’t work.

Quite honestly, this just proves that the class of Senators we now have in office are more interested in funding wars to protect other countries than they are in protecting our borders.

This would have given Biden a major win on a piece of legislation that, as Cruz and Noem stated, really does nothing to address the real issue at the border.

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