February 23, 2024

GoFundMe Ignores Calls for Boycott Over Trump Fundraiser Page

As you all know, Donald Trump has been getting crushed in the courts lately.

In the span of just a few weeks, Trump was handed losses that will cost him more than a half billion dollars.

In response, some of his supporters started a GoFundMe page to help him with the settlements, and let’s just say that it did not go over well with those that live on the left side of the aisle.


Imagine starting your month off in great financial shape, then waking up three weeks later faced with more than half a billion in legal settlements, not to mention attorney fees.

Well, scrap the attorney fees because Donald Trump’s campaign, PACs, and the RNC are taking care of those.

They will not be able to pay the judgments against Trump, however, and they make his legal bills look like a Sunday picnic in the park.

So far, Trump has accumulated about $70 million in legal fees, but the E. Jean Carroll judgment dwarfed that.

Then came the New York civil fraud case, where Trump has been ordered to pay more than $350 million, which is reportedly about $430 million after taxes and penalties are awarded.

To make matters worse, Donald Trump has only 30 days to pay that judgment if he wants to appeal the case.

His options are to pay the money out of pocket, which, if we are to believe the most recent Forbes report, would just about wipe out all of his liquid assets.

The only other alternative Trump has is to put up a bond, which would cost him 10% or so of the judgment, which would also be forfeited whether he wins or loses the case.

So, Trump’s diehard supporters did not hesitate to start a GoFundMe page, which brought about serious pushback from liberals, with many of them calling for a boycott of the site in response.

GoFundMe, however, which has a former Trump official among its top officials, is standing tall and refusing to buckle.

GoFundMe director of public affairs Jalen Drummond, Trump’s former Assistant Press Secretary, responded, “This fundraiser is currently within our terms of service.”

I have two things to say about this.

First, if Trump takes this money, it is very bad optically speaking… he should thank them for their effort, but tell them he knows they are all hurting from Bidenomics, so take their money back and put it back into the bank. That would be a huge PR win for him.

Second, for all those liberals calling to boycott the site, what about all the other great causes where GoFundMe is helping out families with burial or medical costs?

If you want to be upset about Trump’s supporters giving him money, by all means, post about it on social media and scream from the highest mountain.

But do not suggest boycotting a site that is doing some very good things for people who truly need the help… that is just idiotic.

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