June 6, 2024

German Candidate Stabbed in Mannheim, Second in 4 Days

While Democrats here in the states talk about Republicans whipping up political violence, that violence is actually taking place against conservative candidates around the world.

You surely have heard of the roughly 40 political candidates that have been assassinated in Mexico this year already, including three over the last three weeks.

In Germany, it has been much the same thing, with two right-wing candidates stabbed in the German city of Mannheim over a four-day period.

Violence Abroad

On Tuesday, 62-year-old Alternative for Germany (AfD) council election candidate Heinrich Koch was attacked.

He was cut in the stomach and on the ear and rushed to a nearby hospital for treatment.

His attacker, surprise, was a 25-year-old who fled the scene but was later caught and taken into custody.

Local media, of course, played down the attack, saying that the attacker was mentally ill and there was no evidence he knew the man he stabbed was a politician… other than the fact the attacker had been tearing down Koch’s posters.

Now, if this had been a liberal candidate and the attacker an older conservative, we all know how this would have been reported.

Four days earlier, an opponent of the influx of Muslims into the country, Michael Stuerzenberger, was attacked.

An Afghanistan migrant attacked the candidate while also stabbing and killing a police officer.

The migrant was shot by police and is currently in the hospital recovering.

To Stuerzenberger’s point, the attacker was later identified to be an extreme Islamist who should have been deported several years ago.

All this violence is in the lead-up to Sunday’s elections, much like the situation we saw in Mexico, which held its election earlier this week.

So, again, we have the left warning about political violence from the right, yet it is members of the right who are licking their wounds after several serious attacks against them.

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